The symbol

joi, 27 septembrie 2012

„Ageing well”, the expression we all really look for, it’s an art, an art that means acceptance of human condition, resignation, reconciliation with the idea that something we call life, slowly fades away. Octavian Paler says that „ageing starts like the autumn, with melancholy, with shadows that get longer, with reveries...”. 

In fact that’s the most difficult thing: everything gets filled with melancholy, the nostalgy, the entire string of surprising events disappearing from life. Everything is memory and becomes what we know as wisdom, sometimes if we listen carefully we can read between the lines in words like „ I remember like it was yesterday”.
In order for a society to evolve, or better say, to not loose it’s humanity, the past must be admired, to create harmony, respect between eachother.

„Be you the one which „today” supports „yesterday” for a better „tomorrow” ”. This phrase puts togheter the harmony that needs to be between the representants of the past, the present and the future, for the sake of the development of the society from which to not loose our human values, so this is the first step we need to make if we want to attend to a greater tomorrow. This ideal can be accomplished by doing volunteer activities and keeping in our mind that we must be the change.

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